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Property Management and Facility Management
Property investment is important for both individual and commercial entities. Professional property and facility management does not only improve the environment, it also increases the property value. Our experienced Registered Professional Housing Managers and Registered Safety Officers offer extensive property and facility management services to the government and other sizable developers, ensuring the environment is safe, comfortable and pleasant.
Project Management and Consultancy Services
With strong support from our parent company – City Services Group Limited, we render comprehensive and professional consultancy services to our clients. We undertake projects of all scale and help with clients’ application for subsidy since the implementation of Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme and the enactment of Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme Ordinance.

Car Park Management

A well-managed car park by offering efficient and safe parking facilities is a significant contributor to property. We are the most experienced operator and provide advanced car park management system, professional trained staffs, regularly monitored service and effective parking solution such as traffic flow planning and access control system installation to our clients including commercial and residential buildings etc. We do our best for customers to experience our diversified car park services.


Clubhouse Management

We take pride in delighting our members and guests of the clubhouse by providing true hospitality and serving with hearts.


Repairs and Maintenance Services

We obtained the Minor Works Contractor License from the Buildings Department. Over 300 professional technicians provide a wide range of maintenance services including water and electricity maintenance, air-conditioning maintenance to ensure operational safety and efficiency.


Environmental Hygiene Services

With the intention to provide a diverse range of quality products and above average service in the cleaning and hygiene industry. Our expert services include but are not limited to hand over cleaning of sizable buildings, factories and newly built homes and housekeeping.

Our combined knowledge and extensive experience in the industry allow us to offer our clients practical yet cost effective solutions to satisfy environmental demands. At Clean Hygiene we understand the need for a cleaner and healthier environment therefore our commitment to our clients is to continually specify and make use of superior ECO FRIENDLY products and approved equipment.Clean Hygiene has many specialized cleaning teams each with a dedicated project manager on site to ensure that every project is managed in a professional manner and that our high standard of work ethic is kept.

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Tel : (852) 3758 8998  Fax : (852) 2370 0271
Property Management Company Licence Number :C-651513

Copyright © 2024 City Professional Management Limited. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.

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